China-Europe Freight Train Services Show Strong Growth in 2021
China-Europe Freight Train Services Show Strong Growth in 2021

China-Europe Freight Train Services Show Strong Growth in 2021

China-Europe freight train services have demonstrated robust growth in the first five months of 2021, showcasing increased transport capacity and improved efficiency.

According to China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., the number of China-Europe freight train services rose by 16 percent compared to the same period last year, reaching a total of 7,126 trips. This significant increase highlights the growing demand for this mode of transportation.

During this period, approximately 774,000 20-foot equivalent units (TEU) of goods were transported via the freight trains, representing a notable growth of 31 percent compared to the previous year. This substantial rise indicates the effectiveness and reliability of China-Europe freight train services.

In May alone, the number of China-Europe freight train trips increased by 13 percent year on year, totaling 1,515 trips. These trains efficiently transported around 165,000 TEU of goods, marking a significant increase of 29 percent compared to May of the previous year.

As of the end of May, the extensive reach of the freight train services extended to 213 cities across 25 European countries. This widespread coverage demonstrates the expanding network and connectivity of China-Europe freight train routes.

The continuous growth of China-Europe freight train services signifies their rising popularity as a viable option for international trade. The efficiency, reliability, and wide-reaching connections offered by these services contribute to the strengthening of trade relations between China and Europe, fostering economic growth and cooperation.


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